
Lecture: What is Fueling the Rise of Right-Wing Populism and What Can We Do About It?

20 January 2021 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
resti di tempio greco

The Collegio Carlo Alberto is organising the online lecture "What is Fueling the Rise of Right-Wing Populism and What Can We Do About It?". The event is the third lecture of the Cycle "Democracy and its Discontents" and it will take place on 20th January 2021, at 5.30 p.m.

Prof. Rodrik (Harvard University) will review and synthesize the recent literature on the rise of populism and present an argument that emphasizes the centrality of labor market stress. He will discuss the changes needed to contemporary welfare state arrangements to create healthy economies, societies, and polities.


Introduction by Giorgio Barba Navaretti (President, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto).


For further details: