
Funds TOgether: the second edition of crowdfunding dedicated to research is underway

2 October 2023
title of the event

On 2nd October 2023 at 3:00 p.m., the University of Turin presents the second edition of Funds TOgether, an initiative aimed to support research and/or innovation projects through crowdfunding.


A maximum of five research and/or innovation projects - freely presented by the university community and belonging to different disciplinary areas - will be selected. Crowdfunding represents an innovative opportunity for research teams to access new
financial resources, disseminate their work and meet new supporters and partners. During the presentation, it will be pssible to learn more about the opportunities the crowdfunding offers and listen to the researchers who took part in the foirst edition.


Funds TOgether is divided into four phases: training, application and selectioncoaching and co-funding. The first phase consists in a specific training course - in presence and online - helpful to provide the researchers the needed skills to design a crowdfunding campaign, create effective storytelling contents, identify supporters and reach them with an engaging communication.
In the second phase, researchers must submit their projects, and the University of Turin will select the five best proposals. In the third phase, professionals will provide specialized advice to the selected teams in designing, implementing and promoting fundraising campaigns. In the last phase, co-funding will be provided by the University of Turin.


The funds raised online by the researchers will be doubled - up to a maximum of EUR 10.000 per project - upon reaching 100% of the initial financial target. The initiative represents a unique opportunity for the university community to acquire additional funding through alternative finance methods, develop new and soft skills by communicating their ideas to the society, and create social and place-based networks to support their research.


The first edition of Funds TOgether ended in January 2022 with extraordinary results, and three selected projects reached and exceeded their targets, raising a total of over €57,000, with an average overfunding of 376%.


The entire UniTo research community is invited to attend the call presentation event.


Follow the event on Webex using the password: FundsTO or by filling out the participation form: