FastData@UNITO: an open symposium on beyond big data challenges
On 21st March 2016 (9 am - 4 pm) the Department of Computer Science of the University of Turin (via Pessinetto 12, Turin) will host the symposium FastData @UNITO.
We are now experiencing the ground where the data science meets high-performance computing. Both disciplines have undergone impressive change over recent years. In order to turn fast data into innovation, it is of paramount importance to jointly review and assess new developments and recent research achievements with both academic community and industry. FastData @UNITO will provide an open, freely accessible forum for the presentation of these and other issues through scientific talks and will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and new ideas at the highest technical level among researchers, graduate students and industrial stakeholders.
Participation is free of charge but registration is required.
For further details on the program, speakers and other information: FastData@UNITO