
Conference: "Teaching and Learning with Open Educational Resources (OERs)"

29 October 2018

On Monday 29th October 2018 Prof. Sorel Reisman (California State University) holds a conference on Teaching and Learning with Open Educational Resources (OERs) at Collegio Carlo Alberto (Piazza Arbarello 8, Turin).


Ever since the introduction of the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER), teaching and learning enthusiasts have looked forward to the day that OERs would begin to deliver on their potential.  Today, after more than a decade, administrators and instructors are beginning to understand  the value and benefits of online learning, especially using OERs, and are starting to use and develop OER-based instructional materials and programs at all levels and in all disciplines of education. This seminar will; i) present an overview of the history and evolution of “openness,” ii) define and present examples of different kinds of “open” resources in education, iii) discuss quality issues related to open materials, iv) address intellectual property and licensing considerations, and v) describe how MERLOT (the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) may be used a gateway to finding and developing Open Educational Resources.


The conference is open to all professors, researchers, graduate students and scholarship holders from the University and Politecnico of Turin and to secondary school teachers.


There will be simultaneous translation into Italian.