Conference Law Meets Film

The conference Law Meets Film wil take place on 25th November 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at Sala lauree blu of Campus Luigi Einaudi (Lungo Dora Siena, 100/A - Torino).
Movies mirror the views held in the society on law, directly or indirectly. The conference centres on the cinematic form and the content of the films and their relevance to law and the society. The questions will be discussed on the basis of three recent films.
The fascinating relationship between cinema and law is the starting point of the conference that begins with the analysis of three films:
- Oppenheimer by Christopher Nolan, USA, 2023
- Anatomy of a fall (Anatomie d'une chute) Justine Triet, France, 2023
- Burning Days (Kurak Günler) Emin Alper, Turkey, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Croatia, 2022.
The first two, which are readily available, are not shown at the conference. Instead, the third, "Burning Days", will be screened free of charge on Friday 22nd November at 5:00 p.m.
The conference is organised by Walter Stoffel, Lucie Bader (Association Film, Law and Society, Fribourg) and Gianmaria Ajani (Professor of Law and Arts, University of Torino) with the collaboration of Michel Heinzmann (Professor of Law, University of Fribourg), Michele Graziadei and Simona Novaretti (Professors of Law, University of Turin).
The event will be held in English.
For further details: