
2022 Vilfredo Pareto Lecture - Policies to Reintegrate Former Inmates into the Labor Force

21 November 2022
Katrine V. Løken

On November 21st 2022, at 5:30 p.m. Katrine V. Løken (Professor of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics) will hold a lecture on Policies to Reintegrate Former Inmates into the Labor Force. The event will take place online and in person.


Introduction by Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Chair, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto


Incarceration rates in both Europe and the United States have risen in recent decades as rehabilitation has gradually taken a back seat to a policy agenda emphasizing punishment and incapacitation in many countries. We will review recent empirical literature from different countries in Europe and the US to get a better understanding of policies that may reduce recidivism and allow for successful re-entry into the labor market. We will include work that also look at the physical and mental health of prisoners which is an important dimension in understanding how to best design rehabilitation policies.


We suggest several possible policy reforms that could be adopted in countries that need to reform their prison systems either because of bad prison condition and/or long prison sentence. If you combine some of these policies with shorter prison sentences, it would not necessarily require an increase in expenditures.