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Students and professors: info at a glance

Requirements to access university facilities

You need to meet the following requirements in order to access the University facilities:

  1. not having any acute respiratory infections (cough and/or cold with difficulty breathing) and a body temperature above 37.5 °C. Staying in the premises of the University in case of minor respiratory symptoms and good general condition, in absence of fever, is allowed as long as you  wear a FFP2 mask, keep your hands clean and cover coughs and sneezes into your elbow
  2. not being subjected to fiduciary isolation provisions by health authorities
  3. having followed the Piedmont Region Covid instructions in case of return from abroad

The use of FFP2 respiratory protective equipment is an important and recommended device for preventing infection in indoor work environments shared by several people or open to public, whenever maintaining the interpersonal distance of 1 meter is not possible. Wearing FFP2 masks is always strongly recommended for certified fragile people.