
Working for UniTo

This page provides job seekers with information on the hiring process and procedures required to apply for technical-administrative, teaching and research positions that may be available at Unito based on a standard employment contract (for an indeterminate amount of time) or a fixed term employment contract (for a fixed period of time). 
All applicants must compete for the desired position by undertaking one of the public exams announced by the University. 
Information about each type of position, current openings and the relative competitive exams is listed below. Feel free to access, review, download and print the job description and competitive calls for applicants for any position that matches your interests and field of expertise.

Technical-administrative positions

Selection process for standard technical administrative positions
Positions of this type are subject to public recruitment procedures open to anyone who meets the eligibility requisites specified on the call for applicants pursuant to the professional qualification or category of each job (B, C, D, EP and Managers of different areas). Certain calls may be reserved for applicants in the protected categories in compliance with Law 68/99 (Italian version).

Selection process for fixed term technical-administrative positions
Pursuant to the specific staffing requirements indicated by the CCNL del Comparto Università (National Universities Collective Labour Agreement), and in accordance with the University of Turin Rectoral Decree D.R. n. 3394 del 4/6/2008 certain calls for applicants may regard positions to be filled based on a fixed-term contract. 

Teaching positions

Selection process for grade I and II Professors 
The University may recruit grade I and II University Professors by issuing calls for applicants in accordance with article 18, paragraph 1 of Law 240/2010.

Selection process for special education teachers
The University may stipulate contracts with suitably qualified professional entities outside of the University as needed to conduct special education and/or integration activities in accordance with and pursuant to article 23, paragraph 2 of Law 240/2010 (Teaching Contracts).

Research positions

Selection process for fixed-term researchers 

This selection process applies to the recruitment of staff slated to perform research, standard and/or integrative didactic activities, and/or provide clinical assistance and student services pursuant to article 24, paragraph 3, letter a) and b) of Law 240/2010.

The selection process may also apply to positions not specifically listed above, such as:

  • Foreign language native speakers (Language experts) 
    Native foreign language experts in possession of a foreign university degree or other title suitable to qualify for the job in question may be hired, whenever the budget allows, to perform foreign language learning and didactic support activities.
  • Professional services and collaborative work assignments
    Calls for applicants may be published to outsource certain tasks or services to independent professionals on an occasional, short term, long term or continual basis. 

Additional details and in depth information on the applicable laws, regulatory provisions and the most important sites are available in each section.