

Schools (Scuole) coordinate and rationalise all educational activities of the related Departments and classes as well as managing common services, such as students’ mobility, orientation, tutoring and job placement. Three Departments (Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures; Psychology; Drug Science and Technology) manage these services independently.

School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine - SAMEV

Largo Paolo Braccini, 2, 10095, Grugliasco, TO -
Director: FERROGLIO Ezio

School of Human Sciences

Via S. Ottavio, 20, 10124, Torino, TO -

School of Law, Politics and Social-Economic Sciences

Lungo Dora Siena, 100 A, 10153, Torino, TO -
Director: DANSERO Egidio

School of Management and Economics

Corso Unione Sovietica, 218 Bis, 10134, Torino, TO -
Tel.: +39 0116706191
Director: DAMILANO Marina

School of Medicine

Corso Dogliotti, 38, 10126, Torino, TO -
Tel.: +39 0116705955
FAX: +39 0112365955
Director: CASSONI Paola

School of Science of Nature

Via P. Giuria, 15, 10126, Torino, TO -
Tel.: +39 011.670.5397/7784
FAX: +39 011.2367787
Director: MASERA Massimo
Tel.: +39 011.6705948/7236
FAX: +39 011.2367787