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Vice Rectors and Rector's delegates


The Vice-Rectors refer directly to the Rector and are assisted, where necessary, by the Administrative Divisions or other offices of the University.

Names of Vice-Rectors

  • Prof Barbara Bruschi, Vice-Rector for Teaching with regard to:
    • to "inclusive" teaching that enables students to develop their potential to the full, while respecting the particularities and diversity of each one
    • the enhancement of quality teaching, developed with advanced methods and tools, in order to enable the University to compete in the European space
  • Prof. Paola Cassoni, Vice-Rector for the medical area with regard to the management of relations with the Health Service
  • Prof. Cristopher Cepernich, Vice-Rector for Institutional University Communication and Student Relations
  • Prof. Giuseppe Martino Di Giuda, Vice-Rector for Digitalization, planning and development of the building heritage with regard to:
    • the definition of models for the use and management of existing assets
    • the promotion of development, social and environmental sustainability models
  • Prof. Alessandra Fiorio Pla, Vice-Rector for International Education
  • Prof. Alberto Rainoldi, Vice-Rector for Welfare, Sustainability and Sport with regard to:
    • the strengthening of lines of action in the area of Welfare, environmental and individual sustainability, for the achievement of social welfare
    • the enhancement of good practices and lifestyles of which the University is the spokesperson for the entire city, particularly in the field of sport
  • Prof. Umberto Ricardi, Vice-Rector for Biomedical Research 
  • Prof. Alessandro Zennaro, Vice-Rector for the Enhancement of the human and cultural heritage in the University with regard to:
    • the promotion of the university community's sense of belonging to the university, enhancing existing professional skills and identifying new ones
    • the dissemination of knowledge of research results, using innovative tools
    • the Third Mission and Public Engagement, which includes responsibility for initiating and implementing the objectives related to the "Strategic" Eur and Public Engagement project of the three-year agreement (2022-20224) with Compagnia di San Paolo and related training actions.


Names of Deputy Vice-Rector

  • Prof. Guido Boella, Deputy Vice-Rector for Artificial Intelligence issues; for the promotion of relations with businesses and business associations; for coordination with industrial innovation initiatives in the region
  • Prof. Egidio Dansero, Deputy Vice-Rector for Sustainability and development cooperation
  • Prof. Mario Dante Lucio Giacobini, Deputy Vice-Rector for Relations with European institutions
  • Prof. Elisa Giacosa, Deputy Vice-Rector for the Quality of University Policies with regard to Processes
Rector's delegates

The Rector's delegates refer directly to the Rector and, where necessary, collaborate with the Administrative Divisions or other offices of the University.


  • Prof. Giulia Anastasia Carluccio - Vice Rector of the University of Turin, Rector’s delegate for cultural relations, for the coordination of the University communication, for the valorisation and promotion of the University museum system
  • Prof. Luca Bertolino, Rector’s Delegate for the development and coordination of the University Library System
  • Prof. Paola Cassoni, Rector's Delegate for Inclusion, equal opportunities and University gender policies
  • Prof. Gianluca Cuniberti e Prof. Giuseppe Martino Di Giuda, Rector's delegates for the development and coordination of the University Archives and Museum System, for their respective areas of competence
  • Prof. Sergio Foà,  Rector’s delegate for the coordination of University legal issues
  • Prof. Marina Marchisio Conte, Rector's delegate for the development and promotion of the University's Digital Education strategies, also with reference to relevant European policies, also encouraging the development of digital competences and skills for the benefit of the entire teaching community, staff and students, supporting the transition from distance learning to Digital Education
  • Prof. Cecilia Marchisio, Rector’s delegate with functions of coordination, monitoring and support of all University initiatives concerning the inclusion of students with disabilities, as well as to represent the University at the CNUDD - National University Conference of Delegates for Disabilities
  • Prof. Carla Tinti, Rector’s delegate with functions of monitoring and support all initiatives concerning the inclusion of students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), as well as to represent the University at the CNUDD - National University Conference of Delegates for Disability
  • Prof. Rocco Sciarrone, Rector's delegate for the University Pole for detained students and representative of the University of Turin in the National Conference of University Prison Poles (CNUPP) of the CRUI
  • Prof. Alessandra Quarta, Rector’s delegate for promoting and consolidating University relations with the City of Turin in urban regeneration processes concerning the City’s or university’s spaces.  She also has delegating responsibilities to identify spaces available for hosting university student associations and other wide-ranging student services. In addition, she is the Rector's Delegate for Labour Relations
  • Prof. Mariacristina Uberti, Rector's delegate for monitoring and support for the economic-financial and actuarial evaluation of national and European funds and investments
  • Prof. Paola Ricchiardi, Rector's delegate for Orientation, Tutoring and Placement (OTP)


Rector's delegate for the development of international relations in teaching and research: